association meme,

Feb 15, 2009 11:13

persiflage_1  posted a meme over at her journa where she gives us 5 things she associates with us and we then have to elaborate on them.  My 5 were as follows:

1. Cats- I love cats.  I've always had them.  They're so cute and cuddly.  And unlike most dogs I know are willing to let you hug and snuggle them.  It's really strange how, now that I've lost both of mine, the house seems emptier.  Still and it's been a month.

But, they were having an adopt a pet at the mall yesterday and I went to take a look on my break.  I walked by the cats and had to quickly walk away for fear of bursting into tears.  Not sure if that means I'm not ready, or I was upset cause I couldn't afford to adopt one right now.  Though my friend Melinda is having her cat stay with me while she's in Florida so we'll have to see.

2. Ten- *note to self keep this to a minium.*  I love him to bits, as Martha would say.  I've watched Doctor Who before this.  When I was a kid Four was on our local PBS station and I used to watch those.  But it wasn't that big a deal to me if I missed it.  I don't know what it is about Ten.  I do think it has a lot to do with David Tennant.  But it's not cause I fancy him. Yes he's gorgeous, but that's not why.  I think Tennant's being such a huge fan of the show has helped make Ten so wonderful.  It's like they say about Christopher Reeve and Superman, Christopher Reeve made you believe a man could fly.  Well, for me anyway, David Tennant makes me believe the TARDIS is real.  Call me crazy it's okay.  Plus, it's like Ten says to Five when they meet it's all dashing about and fun.  Plus he's got those big puppy dog eyes that make you just want to hug him,  How can anyone not love that? There's more, a lot more, but it's hard for me to put into words.  There's just something about Ten.  Plus I did promise myself I was keeping it short.

3. Martha- I liked Martha the moment I saw her.  She was fun.  And I liked that even though she had this crush on him, which was huge, she still walked away.  She knew she couldn't pine for him forever.  And she stood up the Master. How can you not love that?  Plus, the girl has amazing willpower.  She must. She won't sleep with Jack.  Yet she has amazing chemistry with him which makes you wish they would.  True that's probably got more to do wtih JB and Freema but still.  They sparkle.  But then Martha sparkles with everyone.  And she seems to have this odd calming effect on the Doctor.  Which I think is good.  He needs that.  She's not afraid to speak her mind.  Which I've found is something I like about the Doctor's companions.  I think what truly cemented my love of Martha was Family of Blood/Human Nature.  The scene where she's telling John Smith about the Doctor.  It just cemented it for me.  Plus she's beyond brave.  And she's compassionate.  But what I like the most, and is definitely important now that Donna's gone, is that if the Doctor truly needed her, she go without any hesitation.  I think that phone works both ways.

4. Donna- I have to admit when I first met Donna in the Runaway Bride I liked her, but was glad she'd said no.  Then  she came back in Series 4 and I ended up feeling awful that I'd felt that way.  She's wonderful.  She's great with him too.  She's got this sister thing with him.  And it just works.  Who knew that the brash loud bride would turn out to be someone who was just perfect for him.  Though I suspect he knew all along.  Plus I can relate to her . It's cause to be honest, I think like she does, I'm not special, heck I'm just a shopgirl.  Which I think is also why I like her.  And yes this will sound crazy, again it's okay for you to think that.  Watching Donna go from being just a temp in Chiswick to being Donna brilliant and wonderful, makes me think all I need is a Doctor of my own to make me realize it; not that I mean the Doctor literally of course.  And I don't think she's going to forget she's brilliant.  I don't think the Doctor would do that to her.  Oh sure he'd take the memories away, but I'd like to think he'd let her remember she's brilliant.  That she's not just a temp from Chiswick.  Plus like Martha she's fun.

5. Tegan- Here's the funny thing about Tegan.  I remember her airhostess uniform from watching when I was a kid.  It's one of the first thing I realized when I started watching Classic Who again.  What I like about Tegan is she's not afraid to tell the Doctor exactly what she thinks, whether he'll like it or not.  Plus, she's more than willing to do the same thing to any of the aliens who they're dealing with.  Yet, even with her brash exterior she can also be vunerable.  And she's protective of the Doctor.  It was after all her who wanted to go into that water after him in the Sea Devils.  Turlough, on the other hand, was willing to let him drown.  Don't know if that demonstrates what I mean but it makes some sort of strange sense to me. Speaking of Turlough, she's the one who knew not to trust him.  So that scores her major points in my book.


Thanks persiflage_1  this was fun. 
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