(no subject)

Nov 23, 2005 09:55

well today is the last day of calsses before thanksgiving break and all of my classes were cancled except one...the one that is 340-510...so i have to stay here until 5 oclock tonight just because of that one blasted class! UGH! all well...yea so my key board is being real funky...its not as bad as saras but it is still funky...all of my keys are sticking and it is really wierd to type especially my h because it is real hard to push down and when it does get pushed down it doesnt feel like it left an h...ya know what i mean? anyways, i am in a random mood...(i just noticed my m button does that too) pretty disappointed that i wasnt able to talk to justin last night, but he really needed the sleep...so it is ok...i love him a lot...i love him so much i go out to sit at the train station with him at 430 in the freaking morning because he missed his train! WHAT IS UP WITH THAT?!?!? love makes you do stupid things...this being the perfect example:) but of course i better not complain...because he loves me so m uh that he would cmoe down here and then be willing to take a train that leaves at 430 in the mo rning...so scratch that stupid thing...i am just thankful.. since it is thanksgiving and everything...that gives me a great idea! i am going to list ten things that i am thankful...in no particular order...wow i am bored:) well, here it goes:

1. God and His salvation

2. Family


4. Justin

5. Cell Phones

6. late night talks with chadae talking about our lifes..and stupid things

7. wonderful roomates who put up with you and doesnt complain when your room is messy or when you are sitting here in practically nothing:)

8. watching lifetime tv with mike and chadae and people coming up and saying...this is still on?

9. friends

10. the seasons changing

wow...i feel like i could put 100000 more on there, but i will spare all of you guys:) sometimes i have really REALLY bad days, but i have so much to be thankful for...i am so well off compared to other people...i mean i have God, family and friends...a roof ove rmy head and clothes on my back...and food to eat (although it is disgusting lbc food, it is something) i have so much more then others and i take it all for granted...take for example my cell phone...that thing is like my life support...seriously i dont know what i would do if i didnt have my cell phone...some people cant even afford a phone in their house, yet alone a cell phone...and thinko f when they didnt have cell phones...they were perfectly fine...ok i am done now... HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYBODY!!
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