Aug 01, 2005 21:23
Saturday was awesome. I saw the wedding crashers with Jeff, Jo, and Stacy, it was excellent. I recommend that movie to all. IT flew bye, I am definitely getting that on DVD when it comes out
Yesterday I went to Mongolian BBQ for the first time ever. It was pretty good, but I was mucho confused. The bad thing is they didn't have any parmesan cheese. The brownie ice cream that me, Jeff, Joanna, and Stacy split was "AMAZING" After we went to Huron and were pretty sure that there was illegal activity going on so we left for the civic center. We were at the civic center for about an hour talking about everything and watching volleyball. Then we went to Ottawa to swing and see who could walk across the top of the bike was pretty interesting. After that it was time to turn in.
Today was pretty boring, as you saw earlier, but at least I got a pair of Khakis. The day turned out to be pretty fun during dinner. Joanna and I went ate again at the wonderful Ram's Horn. Very good and fun. I was so glad that we left the sketches of people on the table.
We still have lots of things that we need to do this summer so let me know if you want to take place in any special activities, such as the ride to Metro Beach.
Last official week at CTPR!! Tropical smoothie starts next week or even late this week!!! Come Visit it is right by Fitness 19!!!!
Seniors 06