stupid wank

May 30, 2007 18:51

everyone... or majority of people probably know about LJ STRIKETHROUGH of 2007.

and if you have, go and join fandom_counts. let's see how many of us are actually out there XD because these ignorant middle-aged mothers, have no idea what they're going up against. (and i'm still a bit annoyed about PP)

like F had stated, i swear i'll post pictures up of ruby. let me just warn you ahead of time... she's definitely not as cute as heero. comparing them, heero's gorgeous.

besides the cause of fandom wank, i don't really remember why i wanted to update.


okay, i love harry potter. i love discussing and going on tangents about harry potter. but dude, being surrounded by different posters, about the book, and all the harry potter paraphenalia... it kinda turns you off. we have this stand up cardboard of harry, and it's a countdown of the days till the book comes out. =.=;;; yeah. we've got so many posters, we don't have enough room to put them all up.

but i can't wait to work the midnight party night. i'll be one of the first ones to hold it in my hand XP i wonder... if they'll send out ARCs for the book?

eddie's being grounded this week for not bringing all his supplies he uses at school. 2 months late. i don't know what he needs, and yet i get yelled at because i'm supposed to be "responsible". while i'm responsible for the kid, i'm not responsible for his grades. that's his responsibility. but because he forgets everything his mom yells at him. and because he's so used to his mom yelling at him, he doesn't know how to be responsible. can everyone clearly see this as a mobius strip? and i can't really squeeze in to correct it. because once she comes back, it'll go back to her rules again. and he cant' tell me to remind him, because he forgets. i wasn't with him when he started this year, so i don't know what he needs. i just makes sure he gets his hw done. and even then, he doesn't always turn it in, cause he loses it, somehow.

i don't want female puppies. and i don't want sons. having a tomboy girl gets the best of both worlds, in my opinion.

family, dogs, work, wank, me, ruby, thoughts

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