SC, Chp8

Jan 27, 2012 11:29

Title: Structured Complexity, 8/?
Author: rache14
Characters/Pairing: Megan/Larry, Don, David, Colby, Liz
Summary: Charlie ponders Larry's behavior. Larry reconnects with someone.

Strange. It was the only word Megan could think of to describe how she currently felt. On one hand, it seemed as though she'd been away for a lifetime. But on the other, it was almost as if she was just heading in for another day of work, as if nothing had ever changed. Stepping from the elevator with her quirky physicist-slash-lover in tow, the former agent was instantly flooded with memories of her time spent within the surrounding walls. Admittedly, she did find herself missing the job occasionally, but knew in her heart that she'd made the right decision in leaving.

A hand on her shoulder and a voice from behind brought her out of the daze. "Are you alright?"

She smiled affectionately, turning slightly. "I'm good, Larry. Just sort of... reminiscing." He gave a look of clear understanding before returning the smile. "C'mon." They walked together through the bullpen, toward the cluster of cubicles she once considered to be her home away from home.

The boss, who sat quietly working at his desk, looked up as they approached. "Hey," he greeted.

"Hey, yourself. Where're the guys?"

Don smirked. "Oh, you're tired of me already, huh?" They shared a playful smile. "Colby's out," glancing at his watch, he added, "should be back soon." He was prevented from any further explanation as agents Sinclair and Warner walked in, stopping short at the sight before them.

"Well, I'll be damned..." The dark man grinned widely, revealing bright teeth which greatly contrasted his skin.

"Hey, David, Liz." Megan smiled and nodded to each, respectively, awaiting further reaction.

David advanced and the woman found herself wrapped in his arms. After a beat or two, Liz finally spoke, then. "Okay, quit hogging the lady. I want in." The four others chuckled and Megan was released only to once again be enveloped in a hug. As the two women pulled apart, the questioning started. "So, what brings you back here?"

"I had the chance to move back, so I took it. I missed it here, missed you guys."

"One of us especially so, I bet," Liz teased, indicating the smaller man who had been standing by quietly.

David smiled and laughed lightly. "I guess it didn't take you two long to get back together."

The professor broke his silence. "Well, as I see it, we were really only physically distant. You see, I believe that our hearts and souls will always be connected." Megan beamed at him. Had they been in a more private setting, she'd have let him know just what she thought about that right then and there.

"That's great. Honestly, I'm happy for the both of you, but I gotta say, I dread the moment Colby finds out." He let out a low whistle, shaking his head.

As if awaiting a cue from his partner, the other agent appeared. "I'm gone for twenty minutes and there's a party at the boss' desk?" Upon approaching, he noticed the former agent.

"Oh, it was nothing personal," she jested.

'Reeves' was all he said as he grinned and pulled her forward into his embrace - an action she was becoming all too familiar with, though she expected no less.

"Granger," she laughed.

"Are you passing through or staying?" he asked, drawing back.

"Just visiting here, but moving back to L.A.," she explained, indicating the building with the emphasized word.

He nodded, then wasted no time moving on. "So, you two are at it again, huh?" he asked with a smirk, gesturing between her and the physicist. Megan rolled her eyes and groaned, burying her face in Larry's shoulder.

Don couldn't help but laugh as he muttered, "Here we go."

"You have got to let it go already," Liz pleaded.

"I'd drink to that," David put in.

The man's words seemed to spark Megan's interest, her head lifting and a smile forming on her face. "Actually, that sounds like a great idea. What do you say, guys - drinks after work?" Not a single word of disagreement was heard.

pairing: megan/larry, character: larry fleinhardt, character: megan reeves, fic: numb3rs, numb3rs

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