Jun 21, 2007 17:19
Went to a great interview today :D the lady said 'well you seem pretty perfect for the job I'll just have to talk it over with the director and manager' :DDD so cool.. and very exciting.. I wont get into details but its a pretty fantastic opportunity :) I'm quietly confident.. but still going for other jobs.. I'll know on Monday
Two of my best friends have disowned me. One I understand why 100% the other was just lashing out at me because shes going through some shizz at the moment. I basically smsed her and said that if our friendship didn't mean more than that to her that i'll get over it.. and you know what, I will.. I'll make more friends as time goes by and I will eventually try and make amends with my other friend once I have felt she's had enough time to go through things in her mind.. which might be a couple of months but shes worth the wait. I love(d) both these girls and to lose one is a tradegy.. to lose both i don't think i'd cope.