Oct 06, 2009 22:41
i am muchos confused.
but first, i watch macca's performance @ Live 8 tonight, i'd forgotten how good it was. i actually got so excited at seeing it, it was embarrassing.
in a rather round about way i think dan is coming over tomorrow. because we spoke for the first time in a long while on msn last night, and rambled some shit about how i fancied a cuppa. and he said he'd bring me one round tomorrow, but it might end up being spilt. and he said tonight "don't forget i'll be round tomorrow with your tea".
i kind of want something to happen, because i still like him. but we split up for a reason, and we have nothing in common. i mean, he called the beatles 'rubbish'. that's a dealbreaker. but he's making an effort, and if he does turn up and tries to kiss me or something, wtf will i do? because i want him, but i want to take things slow and try and make it work. or maybe he doesn't have feelings, it's just an innocent cuppa?
ack, i hate men. so ridiculous.