Computer hell

Feb 18, 2008 00:58

Well... I was just in the grawn lab working on the sponsorship brochure for the RPL event and somehow I tapped the plug on my computer just right and my computer shut off!!! NO I DID NOT SAVE ANYTHING! The worst part is that I just got through all the hard tedious stuff because I decided to do that first and get it out of the way... SOOO now I have to wake up early and redo it because I was too frustrated to start over right there.  I just about screamed the second I walked outside AHHHHHhh. Ok thats enough of this rant I have to go to bed because I have to redo a brochure in the morning :/

On a second note... My team (DX) one the beer olympics this weekend, I guess that's pretty cool :)

ps to bad computers don't just autosave like livejournal does
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