Jan 17, 2006 23:36

ok people i know that tom and brian were just being fukcing retards and got way too out of hand and that they shouldnt be tried as adults but lets be fucking realistic. THEY FUCKING KILLED SOMEONE!!!!!!!! hello that means we should'nt go around saying we love tom and brian and acting like they shouldn't go to jail. im sure they've learned their lessons by now but they still deserve to serve atleast 5 years cuz THEY FUCKING KILLED SOMEONE!!! u poeple need to stop forgetting THEY FUCKING KILLED SOMEONE!!! I would turn my frikken mom in if she killed someone for crying out loud and i hope she would to the same thing to me cuz YOU DONT FUCKING KILL PEOPLE!!!! It'not like this was an acident they went around hitting bums in the head with baseball bats its not very hard to kill someone that way. I understand that tom is a good kid but u have to draw the line somewhere it amlost seems as if some people are more fond of him now than they ever used to be. and as for brian hooks who the fuck liked that douche bag in the first place.

ps: if i knew how to make the text bigger i would have to stress the fact that THEY FUCKING KILLED SOMEONE!!!
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