May 26, 2005 18:04
God I'm so sick of life...and boys...stuck in the middle..actually no I want one but I can't be with him because he's going far away to a far away land and I should want him because well its bad...I got John though... I want his poonie...things are still getting in the way...I just can't move on...I really need some help...I its such a problem...I have to get over it! GET OVER IT!!!
Tiffany and I made up wicked cool dance moves...were going to make a dance video like Darron's Dance Grooves...yeah were sad...but we rock anyways...
um...I really have nothing to say other then I need to get over my problema...I keep making things worse...God why am I so dumb????? No one has no idea what I'm talking about but thats how its going to stay...
I want a myspace...I think that would be cool...
What would you do for a Klondike bar??
Poor Keith I hit him in the eye yesterday with a granola bar and his eye still hurts...poor guy