Sep 03, 2007 21:10
I talked to my boss today. It really went better than I ever could have imagined. I'm not sure what will happen now, but I feel significantly less stressed. However, I am tired of people expecting certain things from me. Like Adam's mom said I seem about as excited for his homecoming as an ant... and apparently ants aren't very excited creatures. And even though she and I have been (mostly) in this whole thing together, who is she to tell me how I feel or should feel? I say mostly in this together, because she has rarely called me during this whole deployment. I usually call her several times a week, to check in, see how she's doing, and let her know anything I've heard from Adam, or Ali, or whatever. And yeah, I haven't been excited lately, because I have had a million other things on my mind. Believe me, I cannot wait for Adam to come home, and when he does, I know I will be the happiest girl on the face of the planet... but until then, I've got a lot on my plate, and I'm struggling to deal with it all, meanwhile, I've barely been able to talk to Adam, which is only serving to make me even more unhappy. And I just feel shitty all around. I'm tired, and I feel fat, and pale, and just overall blah.