Nov 30, 2004 16:07
We’ve all made wrong choices, taken wrong decisions, met the “WRONG” kind of people, associated with them, done something “WRONG” at some point of time or the other. Some of these mistakes might have had trivial consequences while some serious repercussions!
Well…..i am of the opinion that making mistakes is part of an ongoing “DISCOVERY”.
A discovery of oneself……one’s perceptions towards life, towards love,towards people, towards situations n circumstances…..
Its only when we meet the wrong kind of people will we be grateful to God when we come across the right ones!!!!
It’s only when we muster our courage to take the untreaded path, negotiating dangerous curves n unprecedented turns that the journey becomes a thrilling experience!!!
The journey of life is most often “laughing "at our own mistakes….. “learning” from them….n growing (perhaps to make to make wiser mistakes!!!)
All this transpires to just one thing we should never fear making mistakes coz these are our “true lessons of life”. After all that’s why pencils have erasers!!!!