Finally, an update!

Mar 24, 2006 20:39

Well, well... the weather makes a liar out of me.

After reassuring Dad & Charley & everyone that hurricanes don't generally affect NSW, it looks like Cyclone Wati is after us. (They call hurricanes "cyclones" down here.) Don't worry too much- it's only a category 3, and it is projected to brush east of Lord Howe Island... but that isn't all that far from where I live; it is certainly much closer than where Larry came in! The storm was originally headed just south of where Cyclone Larry just hit, but then it made a sharp turn and began heading down the south, down the Queensland coast. As long as it doesn't make a turn and head west, everything will be okay and I won't have to visit friends on hugh ground. We will get some rain & high seas out of it, but we tend to get that here anyway. If you guys are at all interested in tracking this storm, you can do it here. (Lord Howe Island is off the coast a ways from Port MacQuarie, and I live about 60km south of Port Macquarie. As of 5:00pm AEDT it shows the storm turning east even more, so that is good- but it is coming parallel with my location. There is a severe weather warning in effect for us from the cyclone that will be in full effect here by lunch tomorrow. Must remember to carry umbrella.)

I received my textbook & computer disk for my Certificate IV in Business Administration course today- the instructor herself brought it over & began to walk me through some of the info. The start of the course is being bumped back to the beginning of May, but that is alright, I can study a bit on my own 'til then, and start getting all my ducks in a row with administrative stuff.

Tomorrow I have FAWNA training. Every two years we are required to go through a refresher course in order to retain our licenses. This year I will also be approved for gliders & possums, and will be undergoing one on one training with our coordinator on that! Yay! You all know I love the birdies more than anything, but it'll be fun to acquire some new skills and get to know some new critters.

Good news on the weight loss front. I am doing well, have lost enough weight now that friends are commenting on how much of a loss it is! I look good in clothes again, and feel terrific. I am nearly to where I want to be, although I am starting to lose weight in places that I don't want to lose it- bustline & hips. You guys all know that I am sort of straight up & down and not super curvy, so now I am targeting my waist, and won't be dropping too much more weight. I figure that being a size 12-14 is fine for me; I know many women might be appalled at being those sizes, and see them as "fat"- but I look terrific there, and am healthy at that point. Only five more pounds to go!

Now for the update on my big toe, the one I stubbed a few weeks ago. It is icky, really icky. The toenail is dead, it is raised up & curled funny, and just barely attached at the sides. I need to yank it off, but it is quite ready yet. Ick ick ick. I am wearing sandals tomorrow as it will probably be the last time I will be able to do so (both because summer is over & that toenail isn't going to be on much longer) - the toe still looks passable and won't gross others out unless they get close and really take a look.

For the record, pure lavender essential oil applied neat to my toe helped clear up the bruising and the "gooey" portion of the injury, and it also gets rid of zits in 24 to 36 hours. It helps with headaches too, and relieves itching. It is a miracle oil.

Okay, enough typing- I am tired and I need to make lunch to take with me tomorrow. The forecast is for rain tomorrow and what do you know- it just started. Nothing like getting an early start. :-)

Love & hugs to you all!

toe, update, weight loss, weather, lavender oil

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