Hey Boo Boo, how'd you like to steal a picinic basket...

Jun 02, 2008 00:00

Last weekend I went camping in Yosemite with 6 other people. (Two were part of my core group of friends in sac until they moved to NYC last summer, plus two "friends of friends") 5 of us had never been even though most of us have lived in CA our whole lives. It was beautiful and we had great weather! We stayed at Hodgdon Meadows, which is the northwestern campsite right inside Yosemite. I took 260 pictures over the 48 hours we were there. I took 100+ of those pictures in the 90 minute hike Lori and I did on our way out. (The rest of the group were lame-os and left after packing up that morning.) Here are some of my favorite pictures, the rest are here: http://picasaweb.google.com/sharedpix99/RachSYosemite08

(These are small trees compared to the Giant Sequoias like the kind in the first picture)

OMG, we saw a bear!! It was only about 50 feet away! I was so conflicted between being scared and being so excited. When someone first pointed to it my initial reaction was to quickly take a picture and then I started running away. Then I thought, don't run stupid! While I know animal don't attack unless scared or provoked, I read that it's the time of year that momma bears start venturing out with their cubs. Someone who pulled up after us heard there was a bear and started running towards it, and it freaked me out so I snapped at them not to run. Then we continued on our journey.

here's a couple that Lori took:


friends, vacation, backdated entry, camping, pics

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