crack_van#9: Pull Back to Reveal by Sabine (NC-17)

Jun 20, 2006 22:13

Fandom: SGA
Pairing: Ronon/John/Rodney
Author on LJ: iamsab
Author Website: fromthesabrary
Why this must be read:
I want to start this rec "because it's hot", but I suppose I should first draw attention to the clever, teasing and somewhat a-typical character voices used in this, in that it is more earthy in tone than is usually seen. The physicality of Ronon and John's rough and tumble relationship is contrasted with Rodney's mental imagery, building through a series of 20 small scenes.

Exactly one week after Ronon arrived in the city, Rodney caught him standing shirtless outside Sheppard's quarters and panting. Envy trounced sensibility. "Very impressive," Rodney said. "Very muscley. And seriously, if you were trying to seduce one of the marines, or maybe Elizabeth I'd say you've got a, oh, I don't know, one in three shot? One in four if you get one of the heterosexual ones. But either way, a great initial move."

Ronon leaned his head to the side. "Thanks for the tip," he said, and rapped his knuckles on Sheppard's door.

"I'm just trying to save you the embarrassment," Rodney said. "Colonel Sheppard's bound to see right through your little -"

Ronon arranged his biceps so he could cross his arms over his chest, and just stared. John opened the door, dressed in long shorts and a spandex tee. Rodney looked away, anywhere besides John's poky nipples, and John slapped Ronon on the gut with the back of his hand and the two of them set off jogging down the corridor.

Pull Back to Reveal

sga recs, mcshep

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