I love books!

Jan 05, 2005 00:44

Ok So I was just reading and saw something that was cool, but before I quote let me just recommend a great book that I just finished to all the young ladies. "Every Young Womans Battle" Written by Tyler's own, Shannon Ethridge. It great there is something in there for everyone, I would quote the whole book if it were legal.
Anyways Janet Folger has put into words what I've been thinking for a while. this is from "Whats a girl to do?" (Sorry It's kinda long)
"Is there a Mr. Right? Since starting to write this, a lot of people have advised me to say there isn't. I don't think I can, because I really don't know that I believe that. The way I see it, if God knows the number of hairs on my head, then I'm sure he's up to speed on the rest of the details. David said that God's eyes "saw my unformed body" while it was still in the womb and that "all the days ordained for me were written" in GOd's book "before they came to be" (Psalm 139:16) If he had my days planned before he formed me in my mother's womb, I'm thinking that also includes my wedding plans. "The things you planned for us no one can recount to you; were I to speak and tell of them, they would be too many to declare." (Psalm 40:5) God has so much planned for us that we couldn't even list everything. Why wouldn't something as important as this be on the list?
Maybe there are a couple of different people we could be happy with. But what do I want? I want God's best, and I'm inclined to think He has one. A man after God's own heart- that's who I want to win mine."

Long quote(s) I know, sorry I just think that is a great way to put the whole (soul mate) issue.

On to life as I know it, well things are going pretty well. I went to Texarkana with Brice yesterday to visit his grandparents. That was fun it was good to meet his mom's mom (the only one I hadn't met prior to the visit). Anyways on the way back to Tyler, Brice and I had some great much needed conversations. (Thank you Lord) Love isn't always daisies and mushy gushy romance. I am pretty dern sure that I love him by the way :) And we've found that we aren't perfect (big surprise huh?) So sometimes love and relationships take a little work and reasonable compromise to survive. So anyways we talked and I love him. We've been doing more devotionals together lately, and I love it that we can discuss our seperate walk with Christ together. Thats what I love most about "us" Anyways so that's the couple update--- for now.

Jade and I have hung out together more, and I LOVE IT. hmmmm thats all I have to say about that. I'm kinda sleepy so its off to bed for me.

God's thoughts about us are immeasurable.... wow .... I love that!
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