hm havent really made a real update in awhile so here it mom was in FL all week like usual =/ and toesday Kevin came over for like an hour and a half, wed. i went to kevins and me him and tyler went to friendlys and that day coulda gone a little better..but whatever..and thursday was jsut a bad day all together but talking to allie
babiixdoll and nathan made it kinda better. and tonight kevin came over =) and it was fun..i love spending time with him..when its just me and him i just get the best feeling..and im happy. really happy. . . and tomorrow i have soccer in the morning =/ ..and then i gotta clean my room and such and my mom will be comming home..and kevin wants to hang out with like everyone tomorrow meaning tyler and chris, marianne, ses, jen, lauren..and anyone else i that should be fun but i donno what im gonna do tomorrow night so yeah...theres your update.