Sep 08, 2005 22:19
Ok, so the plan is too find a new job, i'm getting out of there for sure!
My work experience this week has gone well, so i'm keeping myself busy which helps me forget my problems and lets me have a bit more fun!
col starts on monday so days will begin to get verryyyyy busy indeed!
so anyway, back to the main point of my entry..
I went to the cinema today, well tonight, and when we came out it was pissing down with rain, now my instant reastion was (and always is)"oh my god, i hate rain (in my whiny voice)my fucking hair! i'm gonna get soaked blah blah moan moan" then i thought about something someone said to me once about insisting on being in the rain beacuse they loved it so much. I stopped worrying about my hair, i relaxed my body, and walked on as if it weren't raining at all, but being very aware of the fact it was raining and how nice it felt on my skin, how refreshing it was. It was lovely. Not worrying. Not trying to look my best for once but feeling my best for once. i wish i could have stayed out in it. It was almost romantic. I wanna thank that person for making me feel like that, they weren't there, but they did that for me. Thanks.