Nov 26, 2006 14:42

my babies have left :( im very upset right now!

annyyyyyyway.... has anyyyyyyone been to rome? (not relevant)

The Savoy last nice. very nice, how much? was a laugh i spose... ended up going on a joy ride round barry and penarth... was funny i guess! i got chatted up by three different guys, which was very very odd!

First day back at work today after my lovely holiday! kinda looking forward too seeing everyone! it's always a nice feeling when you want to go into work!

I'm feeling really great at the moment, i've got loads of things to look forward too.... here is a list!

Tomorrow (Monday) - staff party! eating, ice skating then drinking!
Wednesday - CLUB X! i know i go every week but this week is very special as i missed last week!
Saturday - Gareth's wedding!
then a week thursday is my birthday!
then the sat after that is my birthday night out! and a saturday off work wooo!
then obv christmas!

it's just all so joyful!

la la la x
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