Post-weekend blues :(

Mar 27, 2006 22:18

Saturday night was coooooooooooooooooooool! saw lotsa people! loving it! got SO pissed though and payed for it sunday morning at work :( I'm still really tired from a lack of sleep!
So it started off in The Millers Tavern for Alice's birthday Kareoke! where i started my night with house Vodka and "panda pop" coke.. so i complained like a snobby bitch and had double Snirnoff Vodka with pepsi on draught with ice:) it was so lovely i had 10 more.. then couldn't walk :D Got into town about 12 ish? Lloyds<3 first of course which i don't remember much of, but was fun cos everyone was there! Then Creation, didn't stay there too long :)

so yeah that's all that's happened to me (that i'm willing to share) really... :)

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