Oh my!

Jun 15, 2008 19:52

So my baby brother just called me to tell me he asked his girlfriend to marry him and they are officially engaged! They're looking at next year August or September as a wedding date since my brother should graduate (finally) from university next spring. Of all the girlfriends he's had I actually like this one and Courtney is *good* for him so I really am happy for him.

Even if I told him that I now really feel old since he's the baby and is getting married first :)

Since I've been bad about updating on a regular basis (there went that New Years resolution) - I've been home from my trip to NYC to Partay with shipperchick, jferthesquirrel and Stephanie for about 2 weeks. Some highlights of the trip: the multiple firetrucks that likes to stop and wave at us made up for missing Fleet week, dessert at Serendipity, hot Staten Island Ferry Coast Guard escort, Finding of the Happy Shoes on sale at the Stuart Weitzman store, Afternoon tea @ Alice's Tea Cup and Four Seasons, and the made up on the spot drinking game to My Big Redneck Wedding ::shudders::

As with any Partay there is always a neener on us - and mine started at 6am on Sunday morning when my cab failed to show up @ 6am as requested. When I finally got off the phone the 2nd time with the cab company @ 6:50am (I had a 8am flight) I was pissed beyond belief and had to haul ass to catch 2 buses to the airport, and literally walked onto my flight, after a NINETEEN GATE sprint down B concourse as they're final boarding call paging me overhead, one minute before scheduled takeoff. Thankfully there were still a few people getting into seats when I flew up to the gate, out of breath and ready to just lay down and die from the run, and the guy taking my boarding pass was very understanding when I huffed out I was late cause my cab didn't come - even offered to take me to the airport next time I needed to catch a flight ;)

So I finally caught up on S4 up through Forest of the Dead - overall I've enjoyed the season as a whole up until Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead. I just could not get into those episodes. I know they really wanted us to feel that there was a connection between the Doctor and River but I just was not feeling it, I think I felt more for Donna and Lee then I did for the Doctor and River. In fact I was *bored* with both episodes which is highly unusual for me.

I haven't watched 'Midnight' yet but I have seen the trailer for next weeks ep and I'm trying to decide if I'm going to watch the next 3 eps as they come or just save them and watch them all at once...kind of like ripping the band-aid off really fast so it doesn't hurt as much. Cause I know this is going to hurt, I've been all kinds of prepared for the fact that Bille was going to be back for the finale arc and my poor heart has been preparing itself for the worst cause this is going to *hurt*.

Now I'm totally spoiler free for the finale arc so I have no idea outside of what aired in last nights trailer what is coming but I think that episode 4x13 is going to end exactly where 2x13 did - on that damn beach breaking my heart. And if that is where we're going I'm ok with that, I'm prepared for that, but I want closure. I want this to be a choice for the Doctor and Rose. What made Doomsday so painful (apart from DT and BP fantastic acting in that scene) was that this wasn't what they chose. Rose didn't chose to leave the Doctor and he didn't chose to leave her - they were literally torn apart from each other and this time it has to be a choice. They have to chose to walk away for whatever reason - and as much as I would love to hear them both say "I love you" this time I think it might break them both and me if they do so I'm ok with not getting that.

baby brother, life, partay, fandom, doctor who, nyc trip

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