Random happenings of my summer break

May 17, 2006 00:30

So these are some of the highlights of the past few days:

So yesterday I had a personal first: I got hit on at the library! Yeah, I know, the library is a pretty lame place to get hit on, but it was the first time. I saw this guy eyeing me (aka staring very obviously) for awhile and finally he made his friend come up to ask my name and number. A) if you're really interested, ask yourself. B) picking up girls at the library? You lose! I was flattered, and kinda amused.

Today I got a new fish! We went out to dinner at Cici's (this pizza place in town) and went to the pet store afterwards, mainly because I was interested in looking for a job. Well, it turns out that Tuesday evenings are fish "happy hour." AKA they're buy 1, get 1 free. Dad's been wanting an algea eater for awhile, so we got 2 and I put one in my tank. Well, we got home and I decided to clean out my tank first because I haven't in awhile and it was really dirty. I put all the fish in another bowl and cleaned the tank out. When I went to put them back in the tank Vladamir (the dojo) was gone! I looked everywhere...the cabinet top, the floor, outside where I emptied the tank (even though I was sure I took him out first). Then we thought the cat might have gotten him, but she couldn't because I had the net over the bowl and it wasn't moved. Finally after like 5 minutes we found that he had jumped out of the bowl, flopped across the cabinet top, and fallen down by the wall. Surprisingly enough, he was still alive! I was so excited! We cleaned him off and put him back in the tank and now he's fine. Poor Vlad...I promise not to let you flop out again. :(

I really need to find a summer job. I'm going to call around tomorrow and see who's hiring in town. I'm also going to put in an application as a part time teller at the Marysville 5/3 bank. The hours are ideal because I would work Mon and Fri 8-5 and Sat 8-12 and could intern with the vet the other days and have Saturday afternoon and Sunday off. So I'm really hoping to get a call back on that. Tomorrow I'm also gonna finish working on my resume and updating my contacts and all of that. So that's that!

I'm pumped for friday night because I really want it to not rain so me and Bob can go to the drive-in. This weekend they have RV and the Da Vinci Code. I really want to see both of those plus it would be really nice to go with Bob. That's one of our favorite things to do during the summer is go to the drive-in. Plus, if he makes the hot dogs I'll totally pay (I know, you're laughing right now, but it's just not the drive-in if we didn't make hot dogs). I love you Bob!

For those of you who were lucky enough to watch the Grey's Anatomy finale last night, one word...heart-breaking. I cried. It was good though. And I HATE that Grey and McDreamy are semi-back together.

My pick for American Idol's finale next week: Katherine and Taylor. I just don't this Elliot pulled it off tonight. I guess we'll find out tomorrow!
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