Aug 23, 2005 08:01
who got so drunk at her own birthday party that she did all kinds of ridiculous and embarrassing things, most of which she can't even remember....
ok, guys, i know there was making out, and i know it wasn't in the woods for 17 minutes and 38 seconds, and i know it wasn't with john, even though i begged katie to take scott outside as fast as she could so i could make my big move when he was on my lap....i'm okay with all of fact, i am tickled. what i am not ok with is the mysterious bump i have on the side of my head....
i need your help girls!
first of all, how bad was it? do i need to crawl in my shell for the rest of my life and never come out again? honestly? was i, like, slurring my words and walking into walls or anything? was john wishing i was dead but just being polite? you can tell me. i need honestly here, more than ever. how long was he on my lap for? did i make a big scene forcing him to sit there, which would necessitate my once again retreating into aforementioned shell? oh god, oh god! can somebody, anybody or all of you (preferrably) contact me immediately and give me the whole story before i die? things started getting fuzzy after john got there, defintely after the jell-o shots were gone. i remember the cotton eyed joe to mexico...i remember getting attacked by that tree numerous times, i remember making out with katie <3...the bits and pieces in between need some filling in....just give me whatever you have, k?
also, and this is very important...please PLEASE upload all of your pictures to my account....i know it's a pain, but i need them for my scrapbook and also just cuz i need them! and our camera is missing in the move which makes it twice as sad, so pleeeeeeeeeeeeease please help me!
user name: rach257
password: steadman1
thank you!!!!!!
i love you truly, madly, deeply, k?