Nov 19, 2004 23:20
i have been in the worst mood 2nite...first after school i could hardly fall asleep even tho i was soo tired..then, before i knew it i had to get up for work...we were busy as hell 2nite and i had to freakin run around like crazy the entire time i was there and i only ended up making like $45.00, i really hate my job..but theres nowhere else to glad the whole crew came in because it kinda helped relieve me except for when brandys kept bitching about getting her rolls lol j/k b....i clocked out and sat there while i watched aaron stick his fingers thru the huge gages in his ears and talk about using sand paper to close them up or something? i dont really know...then jackie came there with her b/f, keith..he doesnt talk, i swear he's mute...after they left i did too, then i drove around everywhere by myself cuz i had such a headache and didnt feel like going newhere...then nate called me and told me john is back with his ex who he supposively HATED...yeah rite, guys are such LIARS....and i really wish a day would come that i would meet someone decent who wasnt a total jerk and didnt lie constantly...forreal, im sick of ppls stupid shit...lish and them are going over to lou's now because they just called me..and i would go if i felt like getting up, but i really dont feel like moving...the rest of the weekend better be better then this past whole week...i dont have to close 2morrow at work, so ill be out by like 8:30 and if there is NETHING to do plz let me know...i just need to get away....goodbye ill write later*