Aug 13, 2004 17:24
Warning the following is a bitchy rant:
Grr shitty overheads! My last period teacher (hes a prick but damn good teacher) has an overhead projecter that won't focus and he won't get it replaced. I have trouble reading them anyways because my eyes have trouble focusing when im looking back and forth takeing notes. I usually jsut steal the over head copy it really fast then give it back but Mr.V wont let me. Fucking prick, now i have a bitch of a head ach.
Hurricane = friday night gone to hell. No casba, no metro, no sarah, not people, and to top it off my moms boyfriend is home. He should go play in the rain...
Resumeing ususal posting:
I got to go to five points on a mission to retrieve Jeff's things. Turned out to be a backpack full of all kinds of stuff. Julie (his ex) left relativly quickly and I was happy to have half an hour of chill time. Fuel has new rules, blah, I just hope I'm not yelled at for doing anything wrong. I had already gotten the feeling that Jim doesnt like me. I guess I'll just see how things go. I got to see Wendy and Rick which was nice. It felt good to be hugged and know that they were there for me if I needed to talk.
Today I have had some bad luck, ok alot of bad luck. There goes my: convice myself this day isnt bad luck by making it my lucky day. Yeah that didnt cofee, shitty classes, hurricane, and that same sinking feeling of abandonment is still there.
My brain has been over loaded today with thoughs, everything from the thought of dying tonight, to 911, to the moral and ethical codes of a theripst patient relationship, as well as every random though inbetween. One prodominate thing though is this dream I had last night. I want to lable it as a "normal" dream because it did invole my current thoughts and experiences but it was compeltly twisted and almost disturbing. It involved people like Dave (afro), Rick, Wendy, and extras that werent clealy identified. It was at fuel and we were talking but dave had long hair and things were just generally wapred and somethings i wouldnt even feel right mentioning on here. I think it gernaly had no meaning, except for the fact that Spikes was in it. I could never see him but I could hear him when he spoke and the entired dream he seemed to be standing behind me but i never remember him touching me. I can analize other people's dreams pretty easily but when it comes to my own I'm at a loss.
Well I have been posting for a while so im going to go sew for a while. Hopefully I'll finish the formal dress im working on tongiht.