ChEeR MeETiNg!

Apr 27, 2005 17:10

Woot! cheer meeting tonight at 7:00! So, i'm sittin here, jus E! so yea, squaredancing is really getting annoying! test on monday..TeSt!!! ok, if anyone wants to join my squaredancing cram jkjk! But anyways, we did soooo bad on our final dance...the guys had NO idea what was going on! gRrRr!
So here's the [short] Weekly Forecast:

Tonight: a 100% chance of attendance to the NNHS cheer meeting
a 95% chance of going online afterwards, and a 100% chance of being done with my homework, i also hear that there's a slight chance of showers this evening...poop weather!!!

Thursday: a 36% chance of going downtown....a 98.957862% chance of my mom saying no... :(...and well, a 95% chance that i'm gonna HAVE to do my summative essay and/or my annotated biblo!!!! boo! EPOC does not = :)!!!!!!

Friday: a 100% chance of No ScHoOL!!! a 100% chance of getting my haircut, and a 100% chance of chillin' with GaiL!!! The coolest Gail in the world (grandma) serioulsy my grandma is amazing just ask Dana and the Ed Debevic's GaNg!!! Lol...ChAd!!!!! LmAo!!!

Saturday - Sunday : boring, homework shiot...iNdEfiNeTLy!!!

and then monday, back to the grindstone!!!

Ian: When are we gonna interivew!!!?!?! Some german for ya: Wann werden wir interviewen? How bout Portuguese : Quando entrevistaremos? ...don't like bout some Russian:Когда мы собираемся брать интервью?...wait, ok, hate those...then chinese: 我們甚麼時候訪談?...or ok, well you get the, i got really bored! so i decided to share with all of you readers what the phrase : "When are we going to interview?" looks like in German, Portuguese, Russian, and Chinese (traditional of course!) ok, well...just get back to me on that one!

xoxox! Elsk all av De!
and 看見較遲的每個人!!!擁抱和親吻!
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