Deep thoughts

Dec 16, 2008 07:08

● There's not all that much that I like about Macintosh computers, but I have to admit that the built-in shortcut keys are pretty nice. It's a whole lot easier to hit Option-8 and create a bullet mark, rather than looking it up on the Character Map or typing in Alt-03925323923 or whatever.

● Is it wrong that I feel dirty if I don't put up a Christmas tree, even though I live by myself and only get to light it about two hours each day (because I get home from work so late)?

● I have this habit of getting a mixed assortment of candy (say, fun-size Nerds, Runts, Laffy Taffy and SweetTarts all in one bag), and always saving one of each variety until the very end. In other words, I will never eat all of the Runts unless I also have at least one Nerds, Laffy Taffy and SweetTarts also left. Does this make me anal-retentive, OCD, or just weird?

● Also, why do they call it "fun size?" There's nothing fun about candy that isn't enough to satisfy a chihuahua!

● A holiday bonus is a very nice thing.
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