"Dem's look like bowlin shoooes!"
...An old man says from across the aisle in the shoe section...
Emily was right, Wal-Mart in Bloomington is a scary place. I have to remember to stick to the East side. East side has nice shopping experiances, west side has White Trash shopping experiances.
I had orientation today at the Olive Garden. Its actually pretty exciting, Its basically a carbon copy of Macaroni Grill as far as how everything works with Training, their "corporate" goals, the expectations of servers... all in all I don't think I'll have any problems with working there. Although, I did notice that they "are nothing like Macaroni Grill, and aren't trying to be like anyone," as the General Manager lectures on... but It's clear that they are striving toward the more tradition Italian "tour" and have been doing so since 1997 when they changed formats because they were going under and needed to find a new angle. Where as Macaroni Grill has been all about "Viagio!"(translated to: Love of the tour!) since the mid 80's and has been growning like mad since.....OH...the mid 90's. It just made me laugh how these corporate restaurants work, all they do is cram their BS down your throat......
but anyways...so yeah..why I'm writing about this is to just reassure you that the transition from Mac Grill to The OG will be easier than I thought.
Im going to actually check out books today from the library. I got 3 books about wine. If there's one thing i wish i woulda done at the Mac Grill that i didn't, was learn about wine. Obviously, with Italian food wine is an easy upsell that I never really bothered with past the House Wines that I had to carry to every table that I got. I would always stick to Martini's and dessert stuff like Sambuca.
Here's the little angel!!!!
The heat index is 110 degrees today and it makes me want to fall over dead.
I'm just a tad dramatic about the heat.