Dec 02, 2007 00:59
Divorce is marital welfare. It's just couples asking society to bail them out because they didn't do enough research before they got married. How is that our fault? Don't drag down my country's statistics just because you ran off and got hitched before you ever saw each other in a bad mood. (sidenote: Mojitos are not a shared value!).
These are not valid reasons for divorce:
-Didn't realize you had to be monogamous.
-Time period covered by pre-nup expired.
-Your married name is something like "Anita Hardcock."
-Girl you had a crush on in high school just got divorced.
Problem is: More and more young Americans are reaching their prime child-bearing years and making statements like, "Oh, I don't believe in marriage. My parents' divorce was so terrible that I don't want to go through the same thing." The next thing you know, they're either single parents or just single- a drain on society either way. Our bad example is ruining marriage for our children....It's bad for society, it's in direct opposition to God's will, and it makes it hard to know what people's last names are.
-Stephen Colbert
I Am America (And So Can You!)