Jul 26, 2006 20:20
So, I was supposed to go for the Service Manager position at my job but after a slight sacrew up I have knocked myself out of the running for 12 months. The person who made the screw up with me has also had their position terminated.
Now, one of the issues is that I was the best person for this position, my manager knows this. The store manager knows this and all my fellow associates know this and want me in that position. But I have the active disciplinary action against my name that is causing the District manager to knock back my application everytime.
The plot thickens.
The mistake I made was that I worked on the Service Managers vehicle whilst I was on company time. Effectively a form of blue collar crime. No one with sufficent skills have applied for this position.
Now, working on your own car in the shop is something that happens on a regular basis. I have been guilty of it once before, my service manager and also the support manager (so many god damn managers!) One of the other technicians recently got promoted to an assistant store manager position. Yet, he too has been guilty of the same dishonesty. I made my manager aware of this and that person now faces losing their job as well. Kind of harsh of me I know but this place runs on the ole' Goose and the Gander bullshit and it has to stop. I recieved a phone call from my manager today stating that he has found the evidence of what I said being true but wants me to write a statement. I reeally don't want to write one. Then I got a call from the person who is facing losing their job. Saying that this is all happening and that I will probably get questioned about it but he won't implicate me in any of it (so gracious of him, I didn't touch his car.) He will be claiming though that my support manager said it was ok for him to brought into the shop. This wasn't the case as she asked me what he was doing.
But, on that same hand I know that she has ok'd peoples car being in the shop. I have seen her car in the shop when it wasn't supposed to be and she ok'd me to bring in my car to repllace a faulty headlamp.
How was I supposed to know what I was doing was wrong when I had seen managers cars in there and even had PERMISSION to bring my car in. I had seen it so many times I thought that it was ok yet now because of that belief I'm no longer able to apply for that position.
I really don't know what I'm asking you guys for. I really don't know what to do tomorrow when I go into work.
I tihnk I need to take Tessas advice and sleep on it. But unfortunatly I really don't know what I'm sleeping on atm.
Keepin' it stiff, your rockin' Aussie, Narf.