It's MeeK Time!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mar 21, 2005 00:33

OMG !!!!!!!!! Just got an email from Rocky, telling me the cutest thing ever about Mikalah and how he has a great idea for a slogan based on his nickname for Mikalah. Meek and Meeki are the ones he has always used. Well anyway, whenever she is on stage and is in her power, IT'S MeeK Time!!!!! They have used this for years and now on Idol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SO......on Tuesday when its time for her to sing.....WHAT TIME IS IT?????????????

MeeK TIME!!!!!!!!!!! WOOT!!!!!!!!!

Any of you reading this, if you are a Mikalah fan, please spread the word!!!!!!!!!

JANET....are you going to the show this week??????????? If you are, if you have nothing else to do....could you hold up a sign for Mikalah this week?????,.... could you make a sign that says It's MeeK Time and then something like sends their love underneath it or something on it! I would love ya forever.

Anyways, Mikalah has officially seen the site! I am sooooooooooo freakin excited right now!!!!!!!!!! I cant even tell you how much it means to me!!!!!!

well anyway, off to spread the word

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