Mar 18, 2003 21:54
What I hate most is that Daniel is turning out to be right. The world is cruel and messed up. My positive and hopeful frame of mind is hard to maintain.
I find hope in my perfect family. I say 'perfect' because they hold my heart. Everything they are calms me down and makes me smile. I always find hope in church, prayer, and the scriptures. I find hope in certain friends who defy the world's trends, and I'm not necessarily talking about clothing. The strong are the people with conviction in good things. Of course, conviction is worthless without action, and those who take action amonst those who are against the good are admirable, especially when those against them are friends. It doesn't take much to be against someone, by the way. The smartest man said, "If you're not with me, your agaist me."
Well, I'm trying to maintain in a world where people are against me. At the times when I am most dedicated, the strong ones come out of their shell and help, so I'll have to make sure I'm dedicated.
Being dedicated has been hard. I realized I've succeeded in what I do before because I wanted to be better for a boy, whether it be a crush or unknown future husband. Since the first of those is illusive, I have to rededicate daily, sometimes hourly. I'm needing to re-adjust so often because my focus is maturing and I'm not used to it.