james- monday FHE

Jul 18, 2002 00:10

July 17, 2002
Monday, I had our bako crew go to Tehachapi for family home evening. James went cause I was going. Man, I’m REALLY liking him. He’s my doll. His eyes are entirely captivating and I just love how sweet and patient he is with me.
He takes care of me and cares FOR me. He had me ride around Tehachapi with him, even though I brought my own car. He asked if it bugged me that he doesn’t open my door for me when we get in the car. He asked because he thought I always opened the door for him when I drove, but I reminded him I just unlock the door, and he has the opener for that on his key chain. He does open doors to buildings whenever he can, and I love how he does it, cause he doesn’t do it for himself. He does it for me, in every respect.

During the lesson at FHE, I had him, sean Galloway, and me squish onto this little two person couch. It was fun.
At the park later, him and I sat together at the table while I ate when the rest of everybody was playing a game over on the grass. Then we went to swing on the swings. That was fun since we’re so big. Then we were swinging side ways, and when it looked like we might collide, he quit and I said, “Let’s hit each other” and “let’s see how close we can get without hitting each other.” And he says, “You’re NUTS!” Then I’m like, “You’ve had a sissy sister. I have to break you in.” He responded, “but I LIKE my sissy sister.”

Then I saw this big black tube spiral slide and was totally enthralled and had to go down it. He went up with me. Then I wanted him to go first to see what kids had left in there and we playfully argued about who was going to do it. As soon as I grabbed him to push him down, he just gives in, “Okay.” I was thinking, “boy, you don’t know anything about flirting.” Oh well, it makes him unpredictable and that’s fun.

Well, at the Kirste’s, HE held my hand! It was so fun. I left my hand sitting next to me and I was cracking up to myself, because he blatantly looked at my hand twice, debating whether he would go for it. When he came back from moving his car, he sat closer to me and left his arm at his side so that our hands were touching. It took him less than a minute to grab my hand, and he flashed the hugest smile at me you’ve ever seen. It was so funny, but I absolutely loved it. What’s scary is how turned on I got from just holding his hand.

The stars were so amazing up there. I gawked so much when I came out of the house. Tehachapi was where I first noticed the stars as a toddler. I asked, “Daddy, what’s all that stuff in the sky???!!!”

Anyway, James dropped me and Josh off at my car. James gave me a lame hug, but I soon figured out why. He wanted to kiss my cheek! He missed a little because I wasn’t expecting it and turned away.

He must’ve made so many moves in one night because I flirted with two other guys during the FHE lesson.
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