I just got my toenail removed. It should grow back, hopefully normally. It hurts every bit as badly as one might imagine. I overdid it too while the local was still strong so I'm sure it was extra ouchy.
The girl is freaking out everytime the subjects of "mom" and "doctor" combine.
She pretend plays being a doctor a lot. Jeremy's all How cool would that be.
Isaac was so helpful. Just sweet and so earnest.
It's so funny and embarrassing that I misjudged the immediate recovery period and wound up about dragging my leg behind me (in the snow) by the time I got to pick up Isaac. Everyone at Lee was asking if I was okay and I had to be all breezy and quick explaining my dumbassary. I should have called J. after I got a bad feeling at the Walgreens.
I liked my podiatrist. We talked about our C sections. I said 36 hours and *still* a C-section. Ouch, she said.
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