Ted Talks

Mar 28, 2012 15:57

"TED is a nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design. Since then its scope has become ever broader."

I love TED talks. Speakers have a time limit so they have to get right to the point of their speech. I don't agree with all of them. But I they have helped me grow as a person.

These are two of my favorites, that I pull out to explain racism to people who don't understand, they changed me and they change the people I share them with:
Chimamanda Adichie: The danger of a single story
TEDxHampshireCollege - Jay Smooth - How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Discussing Race

TED has long had a problem with recruiting women speakers. They recently authorized an independently organized TEDxWomen spinoff to speak specifically about women's issues around the world. The TEDx videos are posted on youtube. And they are under attack.


This is a Nobel Peace Prize winner speaking about her efforts to help women in her own country. And it's bombarded with trolls claiming that it's sexist because women initiate 90% of divorces (Who knows which country he's referring too - but this is a video about Africa! What does divorce rates in the Western world have to do with Africa?).

While this is pretty obvious trolling, it's pretty heavy trolling. Each time TED uploads a video with a woman speaker, it's immediately getting 100 down votes. Many subscribers don't watch the videos if they are heavily down voted. So these videos are getting less views, and women's voices are being silenced.

I know this is a bit off topic for Racebending, but, if you are interested in TedTalks and have a youtube channel, would you subscribe? Ignore the trolls - but like the videos under attack and up vote the useful comments.

I don't want users being pushed away from such an amazing and inspiring speeches as TedxTalks provides because of trolls.
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