This week, shooting is going to begin on Cloud Atlas, the adaptation of the 2004 David Mitchell novel co-directed by Tom Tykwer and the Wachowski siblings. The novel is a series of interconnected short stories in different times and places. One of them takes place in New Zealand with a major Maori character and another in a post-apocalyptic Korea.
And according to one of the actors, it seems the movie's going to handle this with racebending: However, if iMDB is to be trusted, the movie's not being whitewashed either, with several actors of color in major roles: So what does the whole "swapping races" comment mean? Is he talking about David Gyasi, a black actor, playing a Maori? Are Hugo Weaving and Jim Sturgess going to be hanging around in yellowface in the background while Doona Bae and Charly Yoon are center-stage in the Korea segment? What's going on exactly?