Mar 26, 2006 22:08
last night was spring banquet at the Hunter Museum in the art district. it was beautiful. madeline was kind enough to be my lovely date since neither of our boyfriend's could be there. pictures are on facebook, or will be. today katie and i went down the mountain and i actually got some homework done for the first time all weekend which was good. i still have a lot more to do though. i'm not expecting much sleep this week. there's not much time left in this semester though and it's weird to be thinking about packing up and going home soon. i registered for my classes for next fall after a bit of a run-around earlier this week. sixteen credit hours. not that bad at all. i like to keep it right at sixteen so i work hard but don't freak out. schedule: 20th century world history with follett, christ and culture seminar with morton, chart&music with steele, microeconomics with the new guy we stole from wheaton, community development principles and issues with corbett, intermediate spanish with cochran. it should be a good semester. and if all goes well, i'll be moving off campus into student apartments wtih abby which would be awesome. other things have been going on that most of you know about but I would like to say again that I covet your prayers during this time. looking forward to the rest of the semester. love you all.