When I'm elected President, I shall ban any and all public displays of affection.
This includes, but is not limited to:
+face sucking
+holding hands
+using baby names
+speaking in baby talk...you're a goddamned grown man/woman, use ENGLISH/NATIVE LANGUAGE OF YOUR CHOICE
+face sucking
+"teh yiff"
+longing gazes
+arm over the shoulder
+hands in one another's pockets (WHAT THE HELL?)
+face sucking
...and face sucking.
+not following the 'fist apart' rule (if I can put my fist between your faces and touch both of you, YOU LOSE)
+EDIT2: any and all flirting -
riley_boi Any more shall be added once I think of them. Any more suggestions are welcome.
All that don't follow these rules will be promptly punched in the face. :|
nixx_o_rama has forwarded the suggestion of giving all offenders the death penalty. This is a much better option. She shall be my vice president.
Thank you.
-The Management