Mar 06, 2006 16:05
Two days until Texas.
More like one becuase our flight leaves at 6isham, so we have to be there at 4.30ish.
Matt took me to a tropical fish shop today, they had DWARF BUNNY RABBITS.
They were six weeks old, and very calm. I got to hold one, and I named him "Dunderbunny the wonderbunny."
Then we went to a chocolatier and American Apparel, where I touched a lot of things, but bought nothing.
I'm very excited about Austin and AWP.
I'm even more excited that I am almost done being sick.
I will buy books, listen to speakers, wear skirts and tank tops, and return with a very probable sun tan.
Spring Break! Wooo! Hi-cut 80's bikinis and really big drinks and bracelets, and I can get my hair braided so that everyone knows I went someplace warm.
I'll pick you up some pukha shells (sp?).
I also got my knew glasses, and I am very seriously contemplating taking them back. They are HUGE and very...definitive...and severe.