Life, or something like it

Sep 24, 2009 02:05

Wow. I really haven't updated in awhile. A friend this weekend told me I had better or he'd hurt me. I guess some people actually use this to keep track of me, eh?

Sooooo... let's go from the issues in the last entry. James and I have started developing a friendship again. Not hanging out yet, but at this point it's more because we're busy and less because we need the time apart. I did move and found this great place that's in the heart of the city. I can get around everywhere so quickly, and I'm much closer to my new BFF. Bad news is it's more expensive and my roommate, while good-intentioned, is slowly driving me crazy. Yeah, definitely not something that's going to last. The thing is I have to decide whether I can tough this out until next fall (when my whole life may be changing), or if it's something that needs to be taken care of earlier...

Speaking of big plans - I've decided that unless a great full-time job opportunity comes along, I'm heading back to school next fall if it kills me. I have six schools on my list to apply to at the moment, but I'm hoping to expand that. I _will_ get in somewhere, dammit, and if it's not SF then... I'll just have to leave for 4-5 years. It's clear to me this is home - everything about the city convinces me on a daily basis I belong here. But I can put that aside if it means getting my PhD.

During the summer I worked as the Operations Coordinator for a summer camp. That went pretty well. I need to stop telling people that I don't like little kids... it gets in the way of me trying to get promoted. ;) And it's not that I don't like them, per se, I just am totally baffled with how to interact with them.

Went to Arizona last weekend for KoL Con. It was amazing. More low key than usual, but that was good - no drama, much less frenetic, much more relaxing, and I didn't immediately catch the Con plague when I returned home. I love me my stick-figure geeks.

I'm going to DC for the National March for Equality on Oct 9-12, and then off to Michigan until the end of the week. Conveniently, that second weekend is Homecoming, so I'll be up at MSU for the Friday LBGT reception thingy. Probably go up Thursday night, then have to leave Saturday morning to catch my 4pm flight home.

So... yeah, for the most part, life is good. I'm content. Wish I had a job, but I have enough income coming in that I'll survive. Applying to grad school is daunting but doable. I have a really great friend I spend a lot of time with, the chorus is still amazing (did I mention I'm on the Board of Directors now?), and my living arrangement, while not ideal, is still comfortable enough that I'm not stressing. I'd say things are pretty much in a stasis - it worries me that I'm not going anywhere, that I've hit a plateau, but for the moment, with the way the country is, I suppose staying stable is better than dipping down. I give myself one more year, though, before things need to start looking up again.
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