Nineteen Years

Oct 10, 2010 03:55

I'm finally legal to drink in Canada! But I will have to wait two more years until that can happen in the US! 
This is my first birthday away from home and it's been a pretty memorable one. 
This birthday weekend has been pretty crazy, starting with New York Comic Con and New York Anime Festival! 
It was my first time actually going to a comic/anime convention, so I was snapping away with my camera! 
I must say, all the crazies and nutcases came out during this weekend. Lots of people dressed up as their favourite superhero or anime character, and families actually dressed up together! I saw kids dressed up as superheroes with their parents... quite the sight I must say.

I went to NYCC/NYAF with mikarocker since she's the one that told me about the professional passes (thank you again ^^), which I signed up for around 6 months ago. It was really more comic con than anime festival to be honest, but I still enjoyed walking around there.
I found the animal costumes (kigurumi) like the ones SHINee wore on Hello Baby!

I was so happy when I found them and wanted the raccoon one but it was $50! Too expensive in my opinion. 
Another interesting thing I found was a little kpop booth right across from the one selling those kigurumi! 
So many posters of Super Junior, SHINee, SNSD, Big Bang, B2ST, U-Kiss etc. I fangirled a little 8D 
One of the highlights of NYCC/NYAF was the panel for Vamps, the other band of Hyde (from L'Arc-en-Ciel) and K.A.Z (from Oblivion Dust).

I didn't know anything about Vamps except that Hyde is part of it since I only know about him from L'Arc. 
Little did I know that it will bring me to tonight's once-in-a-lifetime experience. 
mikarocker and I RAN to room 1E10 for the panel because we totally forgot that it was today and thankfully her friend, Rachel, texted her about it and saved us seats! 
Before the panel actually started, the host/MC was entertaining us since Hyde and K.A.Z were going to be a tad late (I mean who isn't late in the entertainment business...). He asked the audience who was going to the concert that was held tonight, and there were a couple hoots and hollers. Then he asked the people that didn't have tickets to raise their hands. 
After he told the people that had a birthday in October to go up to the front. Well of course I went up to the front since it was my actual birth date on friday, and low and behold, I have a ticket to go see Vamps in concert, for free.

The panel started not long after the whole ticket chaos (everyone started freaking out when he was handing us tickets... my reaction was O____O cause I've never been given something this awesome free before/won anything this cool). 
I actually raised my hand to ask them a question since I was like oh hei~ I get to semi-talk to them xD Before I knew it, the MC guy was right next to me. I was surprised when I saw him since he was across the room like half a minute ago. 
My heart was beating out of my chest when I was asking the question and I couldn't believe that they were looking directly at me when I was asking the question. It seemed too surreal. I'm so happy I got the courage to do that because I know I would have been like 'Aww I should asked them something' since I seem to miss out on these opportunities frequently. 
I left before the panel ended because I had to meet up with my precious JE-san (my old roommate) since we were going out to dinner together!
During the day, I received a call about a package that was going to be delivered to me, which I found strange but didn't read much into it. 
I order a lot of stuff, so another package is normal to me. 
This was no ordinary package; it was an edible arrangement sent to me from my parents back home in Toronto!
They ordered a chocolate strawberries arrangement for me and it was a very nice surprise!

I had to get the room slightly tidier since I was expecting Jen to arrive any minute! 
We went to Inakaya since I got a $50 gift certificate the last time I went and the food is very yummy there! 
We had a really good time catching up and flailing about cute asian boys. We also pounded mochi together ♥ What a bonding moment!

After dinner, we went back to my dorm and I introduced her to the cuteness called SHINee's Hello Baby!

Moving onto today, the highlight of the day was definitely the Vamps concert. 

I still can't believe I went to that concert tonight because it was just so out of the ordinary for me and so spontaneous for me! 
It's the first concert I went by myself (well I knew a friend was going, but I was there by myself) and it's the first time I've been in a mosh pit.
I've been to other concerts, but it's always been assigned seats. 
It was also my first Japanese concert, let alone J-rock concert haha 
I really really enjoyed the concert! I didn't enjoy being pushed around and shoved around in the mosh pit though... well no one does. 
Before the concert started, I was around in the middle of the audience. By the end, there were only two people in front of me before the barricade from the stage. Yeah I got pushed that far up, but hey, I'm not complaining.
Okay I admit half of it was me advancing forward as well xD

I've learned several things after attending this concert that might be good tips for future general admission concerts: 
1. Everyone shoves forward, obviously to see the band closer, so this is an opportune time to start sneaking in front of people.
2. Do not just random start shoving people or they will notice you advancing forward. You must be stealth about it. 
3. When people start jumping to the songs, best time to start slightly pushing forward since they won't even notice you moving up. 
4. Girls (and boys), wear your most comfortable heels because it will give you a very big advantage to have height. 
5. Be polite to the people around you (like say sorry when you do elbow someone in the head or in the ribs); they'll like you a lot more and will not care as much if you do somehow get in front of them.

I was so close to the stage that I could see the sweat running down their neck onto their bodies. 
One of the best pictures (despite that black blotch of hair on the left) in the hundreds that I took (the stage lighting really worked against us.) 

Hyde > Nipples > Nipple t-shirts > ARASHI ♥ (I love how EVERYTHING relates back to Arashi!)

The only song that I recognized was Love Addict since I just listened to it last night, and Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds (from the Beatles, but a more rocked-up version). It was still a blast though! 
I got water spat on me from Hyde which was quite refreshing I must say since I was dripping sweat from being smushed with a bunch of strangers. I have to admit that Hyde is a pretty damn hot 41-year-old.. those glances and stares charm the pants off women!
My favourite moment was when Hyde threw a water bottle (I think) to the audience, but it was a sideways throw. He thought he hit someone and gave this OMG! face and was really looking to see if that person was okay since he felt so sorry for hitting someone. I thought that was the cutest thing ever because he has this whole badass rockstar image but deep down, he's a really really good and sweet guy.

Overall I was really happy that I decided to go tonight, even though I was a little hesitant at first. 
Those were my souvenirs from the concert: the rose petal that I sniped when Hyde/K.A.Z threw/spat them into the audience at the end, and a mini-ad/poster that was taped outside the venue. 
One thing I did realize was that I really am more of a J-pop/K-pop kind of gal.
Thank god for my Japanese and Korean idols! 
This has been one insane birthday weekend and I wouldn't change anything about it. Thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday and made this weekend amazing!


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