So maybe splitting love and laughter apart won't work as well as I'd hoped. I had an insight tonight. It looks like this:
---- Love ----
/ \
/ \
-- Comprehension -- -- Compassion --
/ \ / \
/ \ / \
Discrimination Pain Solidarity/Acceptance
| / \ /
\ / \ /
----\ /------- -- Laughter ----
/ \
/ \
Revulsion Paranoia
| |
\ /
\ /
---- Fear --
There are arrows, too. My insight came when I re-read my Toastmasters speech on compassion, which begins, "Compassion. It means to suffer together."
And I was like, "Wait. Pain? That sounds familiar."
There's an unclear distinction between the IS-A and CAUSES relationships in the diagram. Sorry about that. My whiteboard version has arrows, but that's not really any better.
I have a couple intuitions about how to express this better, but I'm not ready to do it yet. I'll field any questions, as always, especially since it'll help coherency. But yeah.