The end (of the semester) is coming!!!

Apr 10, 2009 09:54

Well, i spent Spring Break sick so I got no papers, etc... done. Of course, that means that I have three to four weeks left to finish up all of my work!!!! It has been an interesting and busy semester. I experienced a "first" for me, persecution by a Prof. for my poltical stance! What a crock! The prof used to like me, until she discovered that I am NOT a sheep and I think for myself. Usually being older than the other students gets me a "pass" because they know I have a "life" and I remember things like the Carter years first hand.  Once this prof discovered that I was conservative out came the snotty comments even on my papers...I am not a sheep so I went to the Dean about it. Now she is the one in trouble for interfering with my freedoms.=P you don't mess with me!

next topic.. Tea Parties... Going to participate on Tax Day and voice my opinion of the taxing and spending going on! This does not mean I ama  racist as the mainstream media claims. It merely means I am descended from the original Sons of Liberty who held a Tea Party In Boston Harbor awhile ago!  I am appalled that Congress would pass a bill THEY DIDN"T READ!!!!!! Shame on them! How dare they!!! Shame on Pres. Obama for asking them to do that! FOR SHAME!!!! What ever happened to Candidate Obama's promise to put all laws on the White House's website for 5 days so the Anerican People could read them and comment BEFORE he signed them??? HMMMMMMMMMMMMM??? He is only a typical poltician...  A LIAR!!! So I will go and exercise my right of free assmebly and freedom of speech to express my dismay of what is going on in D.C. I admit I am a bit of an agigtator -- I call my Senators and Congressman frequently and express my opinon freely!  It is MY responsibilty to vote and to inform them what I think.
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