Suki da yo, Ritsuka~. :| *Soubi face*

Dec 05, 2006 20:10

Name: Casey.
Age: 17.
Favorite Quote? Why does it have significance to
you? It tends to change a lot. D: So, umm... at the moment, it's this-->
Until the day when God will deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is contained in these two words,-"Wait and hope." -The Count of Monte Cristo
Just wait and hope. It's good advice? (Or maybe I just really like the Count right now because I've been reading the book lately.)
Likes: Anime/manga, drawing, reading/writing, alternative rock, j-rock, yaoi, musicals, making fun of bad roleplays/fanfics (heh)... and, umm... I like smaller animals (bunnies, bush babies, mice, cats), and sleeping.
Dislikes: Stupidity, n00bs, rap, bright colors, overly-hyper people.
What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? Why? I love to draw and write. They're good outlets for stress.. and I just enjoy making up random things.
Who do you look up to as a model for how to live your life? Why? No one, really. I live how I think I should.
Your best quality? Why? I can almost always understand both sides of a story, but try to stay neutral as best as I can.
Your worst? Why? I'm extremely pessimistic... which snowballs into a lot of other personal problems. Which I won't get into right now. *Cough.*
The world's not a perfect place. What would you want to change about it? Why? Nothing. It wouldn't be an interesting place to live if it wasn't for its imperfections... and we'd have nothing to strive for.
You're not perfect, either. What would you change about yourself? Why? I'd like to be more outspoken. I have opinions too.. but I can never say them.
Do you believe in people? To a degree.. a very small degree.
In yourself? Not really. @ @;
If you were given the chance to become one of the characters for a short period of time, who would you choose? Why? Yuiko, since she's so different from what I'm like.. it'd be a neato change, wouldn't it?
Anything else? I'm a fraternal twin... I think I shouldn't have to take any more math in school, because I'm really, REALLY bad at it... and I'm sleepy right now. But I'm always sleepy, so.. uh.. XD;

stamped: kouya

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