Title: In the Eye of the Viewfinder
Characters: Ritsuka, Soubi and others
Rating: T
Summary: Twenty-one-year-old Ritsuka works as a photographer. Sometimes, he does a scoop for the police with his friend, Keita, despite his fighter's protests. One day, they get the scoop of their lives: nailing one of the most dangerous yakuza in Japan.
In the Eye of the Viewfinder - Chapter 5 )
It's probably a good thing that Soubi's chilled a little about Ritsuka disappearing w/o his knowledge in this universe; it'd be a shame for him to die prematurely of a heart attack. XD
Seimei smoking is actually a rather cool image, IMO. And he being prone to addictions, as you put it, makes a whole lot of sense, now that I think about it. But I can also see him being in "control" of them, if that makes sense. Seimei in some street gutter beating Nisei for not getting him enough drug/cigarette/alcohol money doesn't make sense to me. But moderation is right in line with what I remember. Your scenario of Seimei letting go sounds right, but I would imagine more violence; along the lines of "if I can't have Rit-chan, then nobody can". An attempt on Ritsuka's life, perhaps? I just don't see him letting go easily; in particular, I'm thinking of Ritsuka's day of birth, with Seimei making that instant connection. Eh, but those are just my thoughts.
Well, to be honest, one of the reasons I haven't caught of w/ Loveless is Soubi (I've read up to vol 8, but I've got all of Kamibana's chaps downloaded). I love him, I really do, but he's got such a...a...I-don't-even-know-what-to-call-it complex that I'd like to punch him. Repeatedly. (A massive inferiority complex crossed with...a massive tendency towards masochism? IDK) And yes, Kouga-sensei, we all know how special and wonderful Ritsuka is. :P Personally, I'm a big fan of the Zero boys. :D They don't have problems near as bad as the rest of the cast (well, comparatively. I wouldn't want to meet them in real life).
Ooooh, I'm looking at your FF account right now. I'm definitely gonna read some of these (and comment), but I'm probably gonna have to wait until next week. :P
He had to chill out - otherwise I wouldn't be able to write him XD Worrying characters aren't my forte XD And Soubi is especially hard for me - so messed up I can't even begin to imagine his thinking process XD
Well, he always repeats that his smoking is purely "recreational" ;) Nisei, on the other hand, highly doubts there even is such thing as a "recreational addition"... Certainly not, that's a horrendous image ;) In most of my fics Seimei hitting Nisei just doesn't happen. If Seimei demanded drug money from him, he would probably get his head smacked and a ticket to a rehab centre ;) And I don't think Seimei would resort to such a primitive method anyway. That was a simplified version but still, I don't want to imagine more violence - I don't want to see him as a crazy maniac... I want to add him more sophistication, something I think Kouga could do to make her manga better. I guess that in the manga that would be exactly what Seimei would do (try to kill Ritsuka), but writing that would make me lose any respect for him XD I'm awfully prone to becoming possessive of my favourite characters XD
Honestly, I've kind of lost interest in the manga itself. It's becoming more and more plotless and pointless, and though the main intrigue is still more or less intact, the sub-plots have a lot of holes and the characters are being portrayed as more and more one-dimensional. I try to read the chapters as they come up, but with little enthusiasm. I prefer to put the characters into my own stories and try to play a psychologist (or a psychiatrist, given who the characters are XD) :) I really liked Soubi at the beginning, but now I deem him a lost case. I don't like characters/people who don't want to change... I can't say I like Seimei or Nisei, but they're "worthwhile", unlike Soubi ;) I like the Zeros very much :) Especially harassing Kio. God, I can't think of a single sane person in the cast XD Mimuro, maybe? Only he's being played by a supposed sociopath...
Thanks :) I probably need to get my stuff together and add some new chapters then ;)
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