2 tutorials.

Apr 18, 2010 20:39

I'm going to try posting tutorials from now on since I've posted too many psd's and not many people download them anyway.

Today I have 2 tutorials:


Start with your base. Crop it to 100x100 px.

Duplicate your base and set it to SOFT LIGHT. This will give the image more contrast and make it appear less washed out.

Since her hair is blonde, we want to bring out that actual color and make it golden blonde instead of the bluish blonde, which is boring.
Make a new color fill layer by going to layer>new fill layer>solid color... and fill it with a bright yellow, #dfaf48.
Set this layer to SOFT LIGHT. This will give the image that color. Her hair is now natural blonde \O/  yay!

Now that we have neutralized the colors, we have to make them stand out more. Make a new SELECTIVE COLOR layer and give it these settings:
-44 0 -65 0
-100 24 100 2
0 0 -100 100
Our colors are now even more defined.

Now that we have the right amount of color, we need to brighten them since the picture is still dull because the colors are not as intense.
Make a new HUE/SATURATION layer and give it these settings:

This has added more red to her hair.

This step will make her hair more golden yellow and  define the highlights more.
Make a new COLOR BALANCE layer and give it these settings:
0 -15 -42
12 17 -9
2 0 22

Although our picture looks nice, I also wanted to emphasize the cyan sky in front of her since it got really light.
Make a new layer and fill it completely with black (#000000). Set this layer to soft light and take a big, soft brush (opacity 33%), and paint over the girl with white. It's ok to color in on the outside of her, like I did, as this will make her appear as if she's glowing which makes her stand out. After that, set the layer to 60% opacity.

Last but not least, duplicate all of your layers (CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+E) and sharpen this new duplicate once. Lower the opacity as preferred, although around 50% is best.

:"D we're done!


Start with your base. Crop it to 100x100 px.

Our image is very washed out, so make a new color fill layer, fill it with a purple-grey like #d6d1ca, and set this layer to COLOR BURN.

His face turned a bit too white DX so make another color fill layer and fill it with a light peach, #ecdbaf. Set this layer to MULTIPLY 33% to tone down the whiteness.

As our image is too pale yellow, adding a bit of pinkish red will give it more color. Make a new color fill layer and fill it with #c8909c. Set this layer to SOFT LIGHT.

This step will give the image more contrast so he won't look red-pink all over.
Make a new SELECTIVE COLOR layer and give it these settings:
-27 -17 -27 0
16 10 43 0
13 0 -25 -23
0 0 0 24

This step is optional, I just did it for a little more depth. Make a new layer and fill it with dark brown, #5d4c35. Set this layer to SOFT LIGHT. Tehn, taking a soft white brush (opacity 33%), paint over about a little more than half of the picture, lightly. Keep in mind that the more you paint over the same place, the lighter it becomes.

Duplicate all of your layers (CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+E) and then desaturate it (image>adjustments>desaturate). Set this layer to SOFT LIGHT 30%. Setting a desaturated duplicate on soft light gives your image more contrast, it's a really good effect. :3

Finally, duplicate your layers again like in the previous step, and sharpen this once. Set this layer to 19%.

:"D done~~!

!type: tutorial

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