My first ever proper fic!

Oct 30, 2006 12:44

This is quite upsetting!!

Title: Through It All!
Author: Tomo!
Rating: Maybe PG-13 for death scenes?
Summary: Eiji-senpai gets a terrible illness! :( :(

Tomo looked out of the window sadly. The tennis courts looked back at her, almost mocking her with their green turf. Biting back the urge to cry, she looked away.

Tennis wasn't a sport, it was a cruel, barbaric form of torture. Tugging at her Seigaku jersey, she wanted nothing more than to fling herself to the floor and beat her fists against the shiny lino surface. Her tears splashed down - which was convinient, because with lino you could just wipe them off like nothing happened!

She had always thought she was bad at tennis, since Ryoma always won their practice matches, but Tezuka and Ryuzaki-sensei had set eyes on her, and asked her to come to the boys’ practice. They even made her a team member, being a backup for the matches. She couldn't remember when everybody started calling her “our princess”, but this somehow became her nickname. She had helped the team win a few matches, but that’s about all. She felt like she didn’t deserve to be the team’s princess. Despite the fact that she didn’t help much, the team loved calling her “our princess” or “our lucky star”. She was really troubled by it - is this just like love, where you’ve made a difference somewhere but you don’t even know it?

She cast her mind back to that day...


They had all gathered around his hospital bed. Tomo had brought him a yoyo, but not even a yoyo would help him get better. The doctors had said it would be a matter of days.

"Oishi, nya!" Eiji was saying, the bouncy acrobat still smiling despite the news. "Will you be with me at the end?"

"Eiji," was all that the fuku-buchou could say back.

Inui got out his book. "My data says that the illness Kikumaru is suffering with will leave him blind, bald and shrivelled."

"Nya, that sucks!" Eiji said, getting out of bed and doing a somersault.

Tomo stiffled back some tears as her senpai tried to be strong, strong for all of them. She would be strong too. She HAD to be.


Standing at the coffin's edge, it all became too much for Fuji.

"Why? Why did he have to die???" the tensai wailed furiously, his eyes open cause he was pretty serious.

"Nfufufufufu. He probably didn't like you cause you were like this," Mizuki said from further back in the church. Then Fuji turned into Dark!Syuusuke and stabbed Mizuki several times, before removing his heart and eating it. Tomo thought Fuji-senpai was SO COOL. But she was still saddened. Tennis was not a path of life, but one of death!

A couple of weeks later, Kawamura died as a result of Inui's juice going wrong. Tomo cried some more.

"That's it!" she declared. "I can't play tennis anymore! It holds too many painful memories for me!!"

"No :| I will not allow it :| You are the best tennis player on our team, even if you are not a boy," Tezuka said.

"Eiji," Oishi agreed.

But Tomo wouldn't even listen to her senpais and threw her tennis racket away, running off the courts crying!


Echizen Ryoma. The boy who had shown her the light. The boy who had never given up on her. He had gotten her to love tennis again, because she had hated it before. Anything that reminded her of the tragedy of Eiji-senpai and Kawamura-senpai, she had tried to forget. But Ryoma had helped her put it all behind her. He had been by her side through thick and thin, always supporting her and practising with her. With Ryoma by her side, she had learned to forget about her tragic past and love life once more. Thanks to Ryoma, she had gotten her life back! Tomo's parents were quite taken by Ryoma, referring to him as 'the boy who saved their daughter' and very much wanted the two to marry!

“GYAAAA! I’m going to be late for the practice! Ryoma is still waiting for me!” Appalled by the time, Tomo jumped as she grabbed her stuff and ran outside. She saw the cap wearing first year waiting outside. Tomo called out, “Gomen, gomen! I was stuck in some old memories. We’d better hurry up! Ryuzaki-sensei’s going to kill us!”

Ryoma remarked as the two started running, “How many times have I told you to forget about some of those painful memories and be yourself? I like the happy Tomo, not the sulky one! Mada mada dane!”

“Ehehe… gomen! Some things are just hard to forget.” Tomo scratched her head.

“I guess you’re right. Let’s hurry up!”



(OOC: I shamelessly copied a bit of that from an already existing fanfic >:D)
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