-Shameless copy and paste from
Also, new layout, be sure to check it out!! :)
On a rather average Saturday morning in June, 11 lolitas woke up before the sun even came up to trod their way into Sydney CBD. Rather cold and hungry (in my case) we waited pleasantly enough, wrapped up in coats, at Town Hall steps for all our new friends to arrive - only to be bombarded with idiotic scene kids asking us to "touch his pocket."
Having thoroughly ignored said requests, at 10am we made our way into the QVB to have delicious traditional afternoon tea (...in the morning?). Having managed to squeeze 7 of us into an old rusty elevator, we managed to arrive safely and enjoyed the company of others and of course, the food and the place! We even thoroughly enjoyed the hotel like corridor that led us to the bathroom. Once again we tested the elevator limits by cramming as many people as we could into it, where upon we made our way to Hyde Park to take some more photos.
The afternoon continued with photos of various natures, even trying to cram 11 or so lolitas into a tiny puri kura booth.
In all, it was a fantastic day where I made a lot of new friends and had so much fun, the only downside was some wench who threw soda (lemonade) over her shoulder and all over the back of my dress -sadface-. But apart from that, all the girls looked amazing (I've ended the day with some serious petticoat envy) and I really hope we can have another day just like it very soon! ♥
My Photos -
rabu_MYV Warning: My camera is a huge dud, and doesn't autofocus, so some of them are out of focus - Sorry!
Waiting at Town Hall.
The place, the cutlery and the food!
The unnecessarily long hotel like corridor to the bathroom...
... and the mandatory bathroom mirror picture!
Gangstar Rori
Outfit Photos!
xbaudelaire furbycake gloomythebear juliusss melody_doll qcute From Canberra! -
super_kunoichi Resident Kodona -
teh_wod vee_chan Myself x.x -
If you have questions about who's wearing what, just post them in a comment I'm sure the users will see it. :)
Julija's Photos! -
juliusss Cming who came a little later -
hehalana Nina's Photos! -
vee_chan END!