Choco and ichigo cupcakes!!!!!!!!!!
first off...HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my DEAR DEAR Massu-loving friend PIKA-CHAN!!!! (
totsu )
Wishing you all the very best~Hope you had a GREAT DAY
This year, people in my suburb put up yellow balloons to indicate that we were in on the fun of giving out candy to kids xD it was a good idea!! that way, people who don't wanna be disturbed won't be and the kids know which houses has candy!
as usual, we put candy into a basket and set it outside our door, that way the kids can take the candy without waiting for us to open the door xD I drew up a note on A4 paper to say they were welcome to the candy but not the basket xD loL! i also drew a pumpkin (kabocha-chan >w<), ghost, candy and witches hat on it as decoration. the words HAPPY HALLOWEEN were written to resemble blood dripping xD
too bad some kids tore up the paper, i'm a lil annoyed at that...every year we've done it, no kids has torn up the paper and scattered it across our yard...they could've knocked on the door if it was because we ran outta candy in the basket....ah well...
all in all a good night.
I know there are some comments i havn't replied to yet...GOMEN! Uni has been mighty busy....the semester has just i have 1 week study break and then finals...
I will reply all ASAP!!! >_< gomen gomen! m(___ ____)m
I've been pretty behind in all of my online things....i'll try to get back up and running soon!
i'll probably be back with a journal post tomorrow stating what has been happening for the past few weeks...i just wanted to make a post tonight to wish Pika-chan Happy birthday first ^_^