Sep 21, 2005 23:10
Man Im bored. Got off work early but was too tired to really do anything. So now im at home with nothing to do and i have my hw done and no new books to read or anything decent on TV and i have seen all my movies like 8 million times. Its kinda sad that My whole weeks seems to be an insane waiting line for this Sat. Yeah Kristina's b-day, so by the way warning to all you might be getting a drunk dial from me that night. though on fri i go into see if these new contacts fit my eyes. Its nice that they finally make contacts for people as blind as me with all those other little eye problems here and there. So friday I go in. Of course if they dont work out I gotta wait another week or so for another pair. If it werent so late i'd pull out the ddr and do that.
On a different note, Lets Hope Rita isn't as bad as Katrina. And that FEMA and state officails deal with it much better than they did in New Orleans. Lets keep everyone down there in our prayers.